Software Engineer
Specializing in Fullstack Development
4+ years of professional JavaScript programming building cloud based SaaS, RESTful APIs and responsive websites. I also have transitioned to a TypeScript focus over the last year
This website is built with React. The project aims to highlight my skills and understanding of the React framework. For more information please explore the repo here: EWC Online Resume
My strong organizational abilities and effective communication show through my project lead experience with Dell as well as my time as director of the STG Eternals Scholarship Golf Tournamnet
I helped found and serve as Director of Digital Media for Friends of North Attleboro Parks, an organization helping rejuvenate and beautify community parks and monuments
I am developing a database UI of books that have been banned in the US. The first(rough) version is available here
This project was built using a Node.js/Express.js backend, Vite React frontend, and a MySQL database. The whole project is deployed on Railway which offers fast and relialble deployments and logging.
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Slide through to see my favorite youtube videos of the week! Courtsey of the YouTube API v3